So this is my first post ever!
I think I must first admit, that I was never the type to think I'd start a blog. I'm not really the creative writing type. Nor am I really big on new technologies - I'm still really unclear about the point and purpose of Twitter. However, I am a graduate student who realized that my writing skills are not what they once were; I'm hoping that a blog is a way to push myself to practice this important skill.
As for what this blog will be, the description pretty much covers it - I don't want this to be a diary-like set of postings. I want an outlet where things that are on my mind can make it into prose. In fact, I very much doubt that many people will read this, but I'm okay with that too.
Sadly, I think this is it for the moment - I've been putting most of my brain power into a paper for school, but I wanted to get the ball rolling on this project so everything is ready the next time I have a thought.